Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Mr Hatzistergos and the DPP

See my latest post on the shortage of Crown Prosecutors in the Director of Public Prosecutions (here). The bureaucracy that controls the Attorney General's Department seems to be riddled with wood-rot that is held together by a slick coat of paint. When is action going to be taken against those who call the shots in that Department?


  1. Bureaucracies tend to perpetuate inefficiencies under the cloak of jargon that attempts to portray the exact opposite.
    Some bureaucrats may be dedicated workers; others play political games to fend off rivals and when asked by political masters to "jump", some jump even higher than required. Napoleonic empires in the public sector are often erected and consolidated by those bureaucrats with the most to gain.

  2. This item about the DPP of course is receiving some limited discussion in mainstream media forums.

    However, these small vignettes need to be placed on a wider canvas. The entire super-department (which supposedly exists on paper) is a colossal mess. The problems in this department are a mere tea-spoon sample of what is a widespread mess. The current state government is tuckered out and needs to be retired.
